Isn’t it Ironic?

My life is filled with irony news

My current Kindle library.

It’s all about technology: I lay in bed last night reading a book on my Kindle–the little bit of technology I fought against for so long and now I love.  I am currently re-reading Little Women and just finished Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol, and Letters of a Woman Homesteader. As I was reading last night, Jo (my favorite March sister) mentioned reading Ivanhoe and I thought, “Hmm, I should re-read that” so I tripped over to the Kindle store and “bought” a copy (many of the classics are free). Isn’t it ironic that by embracing technology I’m revisiting classic literature?

” I think there must be something wrong with me. I just don’t understand Christmas, I guess.” (Charlie Brown):  Yesterday, Nathan posted a link on Facebook to an NPR story talking about a new and lame app for A Charlie Brown Christmas. Yes, for a small price you can buy an app corrupting the only (non-traditional) children’s special that talks about the true meaning of Christmas. Irony or a complete loss of sanity? You decide.


Putting the pictures before the reality: I spent all day yesterday at the computer. I accomplished several things: my blog post about the magic of the season, an almost complete syllabus for the college course in Theater for Young Audiences that I am teaching in the spring, my blog post about nature, and a slightly disturbing 100 Word Challenge. In the middle of uploading all of the photos for the posts, and a computer that decided to be slow, I paused for a moment thinking, “I should go outside and take a walk on this lovely day.” But no, I decided to forge ahead and get the syllabus done, after all that was one of the tasks that I have been putting off forever and I want it done before I head to Slovakia. What’s the irony? Well, today is a “lovely” gray, rainy day. I spent the glorious day of sunny warmth at my computer loading up pictures about the healing power of nature. 😛

We sat for a moment under the trees, listening to the breeze, the birds and a distant train whistle. The only thing that marred it was the sound of gunshots off in the distant. Hunting season, I guess.

I’m great at planting seeds, but things grow better without me. In the beginning of last summer, as some of you may remember, my artist friend Jackie and I ran a fabulous combined drama/arts program for adults with developmental disabilities that ended in a performance of sorts.The only frustrating thing about that program was that we couldn’t get any publicity help from the company we were working with, for some reason. I don’t even have many (read that any) pictures of the final performance as I was busy running it and none of the people from the company thought to take any.

When we decided to leave Kansas, that was perhaps the hardest thing to leave, because I would have loved to continue the program.

Jackie was able to continue the art side, however, which I was thrilled about. Of course, in a tiny twist of irony, they managed to get on the news creating art when we couldn’t get them on while they were performing art. Go figure.

If I sound bitter, I’m not. I am really proud of them and the program. The pattern of my life seems to go this way, because I have often helped initiate or plan programs only to leave as my life takes me down an unexpected path, yet the programs grow in strength without me there, and I find myself back with a shovel trying to dig new holes for new seeds. Ironic, isn’t it?

Sometimes, I guess, all you can do is laugh.

24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Aligaeta
    Dec 06, 2011 @ 09:53:09

    I can’t imagine a writer or a teacher not having Jo as their favorite March girl.

    As for the theater arts programs you start, then leave: you’ve planted your seed bringing the life of the arts for those behind you to carry on. You show then it can be done, touch lives, and leave communities with the inspiration to carry on. Your like a Johnny Appleseed!


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Dec 06, 2011 @ 09:55:01

      I think I just sometimes struggle with never getting to see things grow. Just once I’d like to be part of the whole process.


  2. Kathryn McCullough
    Dec 06, 2011 @ 09:57:53

    I was just thinking this morning about the post you did about that program. It was amazing, and I still think it should have been Freshly Pressed. I hope you will repost it one of these days.


  3. bornstoryteller
    Dec 06, 2011 @ 14:01:02

    Hugs! All I can offer at this moment.


  4. Emily Cannell
    Dec 06, 2011 @ 16:59:45

    Great idea- I have a Kindle which I`ve decided is one of the best inventions of the last decade- so I should read some of the old favorites! Thanks Lisa for the inspiration.


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Dec 06, 2011 @ 17:01:34

      Great words for no money, and you don’t even have to go to the library. I would imagine having a Kindle in Japan is indeed a useful thing. I was always looking for stuff to read.


  5. crittersandcrayons
    Dec 06, 2011 @ 22:36:04

    Ah, Lisa- your photo-less production reminds me of a mom-phenomenon where there a million pics of the kids but none of mom. Don’t even get me started on the computer stuff. I love technology but I’m a slave to it. My bills, my photos, my non-profit networks, and my blog- all on the computer. That’s why I have a non-smart phone, I use a manual planner and a white board. They are conscious ways to break from the computer.


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Dec 07, 2011 @ 07:13:14

      I think that for every photo of me there must be at least 5 of my husband and 25 or more of my daughter. I also think I need a couple of total technology free days.


  6. Barbarann Ayars
    Dec 07, 2011 @ 10:51:05

    Digging new holes for new seeds is not irony, my dear Lisa. It is your assignment. You are the wellspring of ideas for others to nurture, develop and fly. Like aircraft designers who are never the pilot. Like farmers who plant what others will eat. What you leave in your wake is idea, motivation, encouragement work for others to do, and you might only ever see a glimpse of the outcome. I saw this as a child interrupted in the sandbox, called away from my castle building, and unhappy about it, only to come back later to see a finished sandcastle built on my beginnings, by other small hands who completed the task. You are the seed planter. That is your gift. You even get to water and nourish what you planted. No irony there. The whole cosmos is a happier place because you are the source of so many seeds, so many plantings. Celebrate Lisa along with me!


  7. Barbarann Ayars
    Dec 07, 2011 @ 14:01:12

    Those special seed planters do not run out. Run dry for a spell? Perhaps. Even mother earth rests. You are prolific, productive, sometimes prescient. You often knw what is needed before anyone else. You know that artists sometimes stare at blank canvasses. You know writers experience blockage. You know the creative gene does not just spew without renewal. Be patient with yourself. All things that create seeds have a season. You point that out every day. Recognize them in yourself and enjoy respite when it comes, seeing it for what it is: rest and renewal which generate ever stronger seeds. You will never run out of the seeds. But it is possible to run out of motivation. Protect your seeds from that.


  8. thoughtsappear
    Dec 08, 2011 @ 08:04:06

    I’ve been avoiding the Kindle forever, but after moving a gazillion boxes of books a few months ago, I decided I needed to get one. Glad you like it!


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Dec 08, 2011 @ 08:07:43

      Some of my books haven’t even made it out of the boxes after my latest move (of many over the past few years). I love books, but I have to admit that there is pleasure at being able to get a new (or old) book at any moment. Finish one and the library is closed? Browse away and push a button. I have a basic Kindle without all the bells and whistles of movies etc. and I love it.


  9. Julia Munroe Martin
    Dec 08, 2011 @ 11:38:09

    To mess with Charlie Brown’s Christmas Special? Just not right! As for the irony of life, I will join you in that observation. I can’t count the missed chances, missed choices, should-a’s and could-a’s and would-a’s –that then make me realize that whatever path you take, something unexpected will happen! As you say, all I can do is laugh and love the time I’m having right now! Great post!


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  11. Debbie Tringale
    Dec 13, 2011 @ 09:20:33

    I too miss beautiful days outside to sew and work on my computer. Today may be another one.


  12. Rose
    Dec 20, 2011 @ 12:47:22

    What a theme to pull through such disparate elements. I so identify with you plowing through work on a beautiful day and then getting a grey one. The balance between carpe diem and procrastination is tough – I’m always searching. I was pretty far into the carpe diem side of things this semester but it did little to abate my stress.


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