Visit Me at Tori’s “Tiny Spark Series”

You all know her from her courageous decision to hold a Very Bloggy Wedding where she entrusted bloggers world-wide to help her plan her own wedding. From the pictures, the end result was fabulous.

I know her as Tori, an amazon goddess of a woman with a joyous smile, a wonderful son, and an ability with words that continues to amaze. She’s also one of the bloggers I have met and so I feel privileged to be able to count her among my friends.

Last month, she announced that she would be doing the “Tiny Spark Series” which she described in this way:

“Starting in December we’ll hear from several amazing folks about the effects of unexpected good.

During those moments in life so blacked-out and dark we can’t see a hand right in front of us, what happened/ when/ how did you know there was must be a candle and a match out there somewhere?What flipped the switch and lit your life up to full blaze?”

To my honor and surprise, she asked me to contribute to the series, and my contribution, called “Looking for the End of the Rainbow One Day at a Time” appears today. Please go visit my post, and then treat yourself with  a wander through the wit and wisdom of Tori’s writing. She has the power to make you laugh until you pee in your pants while doing a spit take; but she also can make you cry at the beauty and power and sometimes terror of motherhood. Every time she writes, she confronts the assumptions of what it takes to be a living, breathing, loving, caring, happy person in a world gone mad.

I have found so many people who serve as “tiny sparks” through the words of their blog, as well as through the opportunities that come along each day. Sometimes it’s harder to see the spark, or take the steps needed to build that spark into a fire. I may not know what the future brings, but I know that my life will continue to be filled with moments and people who know how to make those sparks grow.




10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. lisaspiral
    Dec 07, 2012 @ 08:38:40

    I’ll be sure to check out your guest post!


  2. Tori Nelson
    Dec 07, 2012 @ 09:30:04

    Annnnnd I’m crying. Thanks for your sweet words and for sharing your story and being the spark for a reader who desperately needed light today and, because I’m not above vanity, thanks for calling me an amazon goddess. I’m wearing coffee stained sweatpants and I don’t deserve the compliment but bygod I’m gonna take it!


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Dec 07, 2012 @ 10:38:02

      It helps your amazon goddess status that, in the picture of the three of us (four of including Thomas) you are standing between two adorable munchkins (no offense, Kathy). 😛


  3. Kathy
    Dec 08, 2012 @ 16:48:47

    Tiny sparks…I love thinking of that. Thinking of so many of our blogs like tiny sparks, like tiny stars, shining in the heavens of the blogosphere. Congrats on your contributing to Tori’s blog!


  4. 4amWriter
    Dec 12, 2012 @ 12:57:34

    Wow, what a special day for you and a great honor to be asked to contribute to her blog. 🙂 I’ll be sure to read it!


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