OCCUPY THANKSGIVING: Thinking Thankfully

This weekend was a challenge.

Between teaching classes for students who, I believe, had already started Thanksgiving break in their minds (despite the fact that they still have 2 1/2 days of school this week); avoiding the course about self-publishing which has me completely intimidated and realizing I have a lot of work left to do, even when it comes to format; listening to my daughter scream, cry, and whine for over an hour as she decided to spend most of yesterday (and part of Saturday) in one of her spoiled-brat stages of existence–rare but still painful; trying to plan a fun Thanksgiving for a very complicated family: and the fact that I allowed myself to be sucked into computer games as I avoided the chaos, I feel like a completely useless waste of space.

That’s not a good feeling.

But, no worries folks, this is not going to be a whining post or even a post asking for sympathy.

Instead I am going to listen to these words of wisdom from the fabulous and talented Christine in her guest post called “Something worth celebrating” over at The Idiot Speaketh (the complicated connections of this blogging world leads to many links)

” It probably comes pretty naturally to most of us to strive for excellence of some sort. But this pursuit of greatness shouldn’t prevent us from recognizing, and celebrating, those of us who are being the best we can be.
Many times we focus on what we lack in ability. I’d like to suggest we make the effort to keep our thoughts turned to what we can do.”

In other words, we should be thankful for and learn to appreciate what we already have, even as we strive to achieve our dreams and goals.

So, in honor of this wisdom and the fact that Thanksgiving is this week, I am determined to focus on the positive and think thankfully. Starting . . .  NOW!


Sunshine reflecting sparkles on the wall
of a home filled with warmth, love and dreams.

Warm chai spiciness sits on my tongue
made by a partner, husband, friend,

Words waiting to be written or read
celebrating a lifetime of learning.

A family filled with laughter and fun
supporting each other in all ways.

Blogging buddies and lifetime friends
filling the gaps of loneliness.

Future adventures looming near
a journey to countries and people unknown.

Past adventures that I hold dear
filling my life with life.

I may not know who I am today
nor what I will become tomorrow
but the gifts of the journey along the way
mean a life filled with joy not sorrow.

Update: Tori’s comment below reminded me that she had written a wonderful thankfulness post the other day. So now I am adding the link to hers and will continue to add any posts that I feel will help us feel thankful:

Thankful Blogger Am Thankful by Tori Nelson

Inspiration: A Thanksgiving Memory

Update to the Update: In honor of this excellent idea to Occupy Thanksgiving by the always brilliant Jamie note the new title of this post

21 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. bornstoryteller
    Nov 21, 2011 @ 08:28:18

    Peanuts always is a good way to go!!!!


  2. LittleMissVix
    Nov 21, 2011 @ 08:56:43

    Love the last para of the poem, so true!


  3. Tori Nelson
    Nov 21, 2011 @ 09:01:39

    Living thankfully can be hard when things feel a little blah. It’s totally worth the effort, though. I’m jumping about your gratitude train, Miss Thang!


  4. thelifeofjamie
    Nov 21, 2011 @ 10:17:41

    Your students have started their vacations…hate to break it to you! It’s nice to see the thankful train rolling through everyone’s blogs- what with the Christmas overload! OCCUPY THANKSGIVING!!!


  5. Lisa Wields Words
    Nov 21, 2011 @ 11:21:10

    I know, I know. But you would think that, since my class only meets once a week on Saturdays that might be a little more focused. NOT!



  6. winsomebella
    Nov 21, 2011 @ 13:15:24

    Thanks for the upbeat message this dark and cold morning 🙂


  7. Trackback: A New Mind-movie Adventure. « Grumpa Joe's Place
  8. Trackback: OCCUPY THANKSGIVING Meets the 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups « Woman Wielding Words
  9. Taochild
    Nov 22, 2011 @ 11:40:00

    I am liking the battle cry. Gonna have to swing over to Jamie’s post and learn a thing or three. And tori’s for that matter.


  10. Rose
    Nov 23, 2011 @ 01:35:41

    Lisa, this was wonderful. I know you thought it might be corny but the end really tied up all the ways you can appreciate life while still wondering/worrying about where it is taking you. As I’ve said before, I can identify!


  11. eof737
    Nov 23, 2011 @ 06:44:54

    I’m all for focusing on the positive now … and thanks you for the blog mention. I appreciate it!. 😉
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving weekend! 🙂


  12. thepetalpusher
    Nov 23, 2011 @ 13:56:44

    I really like that poem–would be a good affirmation to read every morning!


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