Pure Evil (100 WCGU)

Its miniature perfection enriches life. It sits there, innocent, unknowingly holding power to tempt and seduce. The smell reminds you of heaven and the lure of creamy, melt-in-your mouth goodness brings with it visions of a brief moment of ecstasy. You make excuses. The darker, the better. It’s good for the heart, the brain, your blood sugar. It is the knight in dark armor who will use his antioxidant weapon to combat the evils of cancer and age. Perhaps, you think, this small pleasurable creation can even save your soul. Then you step on the scale. Pure evil.

This is the image for this week’s 100 Word Challenge for Grownups. Click on it to join in the fun.

A Healing Brew (100WCGU)

Today Julia gave the 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups with a little reluctance, but asked us to ” create a recipe of a dish fit for a witch.” I chose to take a slightly different approach, since I: a) prefer the image of witch as related to Wicca  and b) am very concerned about my father who has Alzheimer’s and just went into the hospital today. I decided to use the concept of healing herbs for my “recipe” and found this website as a reference. Julia, I hope you understand. Please visit the challenge for other entries.

Gather thee, sisters three
to use the power of magic that heals

A dash of rosemary
a sprinkle of dill
combat many different ills.

Oregano to disinfect
Cayenne to relieve pain.

Cilantro washes toxins out
Mint to calm digestive strain.

Curry powder
fights evil disease that strips away dignity.

Parsley protects our bodies plumbing
to improve health for one more day.

Sprinkle basil for additional aid
add a pinch of ginger to keep sickness away.

Stir it into a special brew
Mixed with words of prayer and love

Add the mixture to any meal

Let those who suffer
Blessed be!



An Ending Season (100 Word Challenge)

This weeks challenge at Julia’s place made me wax a little poetic and melancholy.

What if this was your last year to live?
Will the days speed by even faster?
Will you feel each moment as a special gift?
Will you yearn more for the past?

Will you see each day with brand new eyes?
Spring might seem fresh and daring
a rush of melting-water sighs
a saucy breeze filled with birds who sing.

Summer heat will melt away
concerns about the future
each lazy water-and-flower filled day
making every moment richer.

The flaming fall of crisp red leaves
will warm the fading senses
filled with love one cannot see . . .

And the winter will bring silence

Nothing is Impossible (100WCGU)

This image is Julia’s prompt for the 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups this week. Be sure to visit her, and other posts. Maybe you would like to join in the fun?

One’s soul can be found
in far-reaching heights
where the silence of the wind
drowns out
the dream-crushing cry
of “Impossible!”

In loneliness
so sublime it sings
one achieves perfect
perception of what is . . .
indeed . . .

One step towards
the unknown
brings us one breath closer
to a world
where dreams exist
and everything is possible.

Fear of haphazard gusts
or the fragility
of standing near the edge
doesn’t stop the
of achieving
the impossible.

Each agonized step
forces unused muscles to dream
and ignore
faceless voices that say
“You can’t!”
“You won’t!”
The end reveals true

An Autumn Adventure (100WCGU)

So I changed the tense and the wording of this week’s challenge phrase ” . . . as the apple fell . . . “? What can I say, I’m a rebel. Be sure to check out other people’s submissions.

Her hands grasp rough tree bark, limbs seeking support to climb toward the crystal sky. Bright apples dangling below don’t challenge the determined picker. They call for immediate consumption, sweet juices dripping down chins and hands creating finger-licking fun. The climber strives to reach the perfect specimen –ruby red, with only the slightest touch of green. A flawless fruit, large enough to fill the empty spaces but small enough to maintain the delicate combination of sweet and sour she craves. As she stretches toward her prize a hungry breeze claims it first. “The search continues,” she says as she watches the apple fall.

Returning to the Run-On (100WCGU)

It’s been a while since I contributed to Julia’s 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups, but this week I couldn’t resist trying to make a sentence that represents some of the craziness in my life at the moment. Enjoy and visit other people’s contributions at Julia’s Place.

As the nights become cooler, the leaves begin to change color, crisp smells stimulate and scintillate and September brings with it the need for returning to a routine, I wonder “what routine” in a wandering minstrel life filled with: work here, work there, project here, project there, dream here, dream there, constant movement between point A and point B, teach here in the morning, teach in another state three hours later,  put on the chauffeur cap in the afternoon for dance classes, the parent cap to supervise homework, in between find moments to exercise to write to dream, and to pursue future possibilities.

Toward the Unknown (100 WCGU)

I have to thank Julia for the challenge this week, because I have been completely blocked, but as usual her challenge broke through a little. Please visit other people’s contribution, and join the challenge yourself.

Photograph by Steve Kramer http://taochild.wordpress.com/


The rain turned the road into a river, and washed away any possibility of return. Rebecca did not care. She pulled her hood off and looked up, allowing the chilly drops to cleanse away the memories. Someday, she was sure, they would rebuild the road, but she would be long gone. Thanks to the storm, not even the Tracker would be able to follow. Every trace of her departure would be washed away down the road. They might even think that the flood had swallowed her. Rebecca smiled as she covered her head again, and turned away from the flood toward her destiny ahead.

Blame it On the Dog (100WCGU)

Psst! I’ll tell you what really happened, but keep it quiet.  I was lying around pampering myself when I thought something small ran past me.  I leapt into action. When I landed on the counter, my tail hit something hard and wobbly.  Crash! Suddenly the entire area was covered by white powder. It would take hours to clean my fur. At least I got the last laugh, after the dog started howling at my expense. Stupid animal doesn’t know about proper tongue bathing. It was easy to let him take the blame.

Innocence Personified

Life After Chip (100 Word Challenge for GrownUps)


Combine a little jet lag, a summer theatre, a fantasy novel with fairy tales, and this weeks picture challenge and this is the result.

You can’t escape your roots. My mother lived her life serving others with a song and a smile, even when hindered by a magic spell that turned her into a teapot. She made those difficult years a joy for me, despite the annoying chip in my rim and the handle on my side. She was overjoyed when our master, the Beast found his Beauty and fell in love, not only because it meant we could take on our human form.  The memories of the spell haunted me, so I left the castle to find my own way to serve. The memories still remain.

Confronting the Darkness (100 WCGU)

It has been a while since I have participated in Julia’s 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups, but this weeks challenge  “… in the dark recess of my mind ..” seemed to speak to the journey I have been on lately. Be sure to visit the challenge for other people’s entries.

Confronting the Darkness

“You can’t,” whispers a creature, hidden in the darkness. I can feel the freezing touch of its leathery wings, and the tickle as it haunts my thoughts. “You will fail,” it taunts me, fetid breath poisoning my thoughts, weighing me down with impossibility. I try to break its hold, banish it from the dark recess of my mind, but it is a sneaky creature, sometimes appearing in a gentler guise. A glistening black fairy with feathery wings, lulling me into a sense of possibility, dangling dreams in front of me before pulling them away with a cruel tinkling laugh. The only answer lies in writing the light.

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